Friday, 18 November 2011

kyocera EOS foldable phone

Kyocera EOS is an interesting cell phone that would appeal to those who are concerned with good looks and green technology at the same time. It is usually difficult to find both at the same time. The cell phone uses kinetic energy and can open up like a wallet.
It was designed by Susan Mckinney and comes with a soft, semi-rigid polymer skin and also OLED display. It can be folded for normal calls and when you unfold it, it shows an awesome wide screen. Thanks to an array of tiny piezoelectric generators, the cell phone creates more electric energy as you use it by converting the kinetic energy.

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1 comment:

  1. Ϝunctionally, thе Eee P&#11428 Ƭ91ϺΤ ѡοгҝѕ ɑs a ϲοnvеrtіb&#8572е tаƅlet, Ƅut Ԁоеsn't οffгг an ορtіma&#8572 е&#11437&#11427&#6513rіеnce.
    Τhе Е&#11437cіtе 13 taЬlеt frοm &#5026оѕ&#1211іƄa &#7457аѕ гe&#8572еaѕеd in ѕսmm&#6513г t&#1211іѕ уeaг.
    Ƭhе &#11428uѕt&#11423m
    &#5034ndгοіԁ Τab&#8572еt
    &#5556ігmwaге 7 ԝas ƅɑѕeɗ οn 2.

    mу Ƅl&#11423ǥ; e&#8572іρаɗ -,


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