Sunday, 11 December 2011

Nokia kinetic cell phone

Finnish manufacturer of mobile phone "Nokia" has developed a completely new concept of intelligent mobile phones, which automatically rises when receiving messages (SMS) or call carried by the present French electronic media.

It's a phone "Kinetic" from the electromagnet, which automatically lifts the phone when receiving a message or call. Currently not released any additional technical information about the new "Nokia" unit.

Now, however, expect a reaction engineering "Nokia"-e in order to know whether this technology eventually could be found in the following conditioners Finnishmanufacturer. The famous Finnish manufacturer has announced last week that in the second quarter of this year seen a decrease in net profit by 40 percent compared tosame period previous year, despite a mild increase in traffic of 0.9 percent.

"Nokia", as published by Reuters, poll recorded a turnover of 10 billion euros and netprofit of 227 million euros in the second quarter.

Decline in profit was primarily a consequence of competition "Apple"-this phone"iPhone" and those of other "smart" phones. "Nokia" in the mentioned period, 111.1million phones shipped and sold 24 million units of "smart" phones, to 21.5 milliounits in the first quarter.

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